Our School

Our Performance

Each year pupils in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6 complete a number of statutory assessments. These assessments look slightly different in each year group.

  • In Reception these assessments are carried by the teacher through a variety of tasks and observations of the children in class. These assessments cover all areas of learning with EYFS.
  • In Year 1 pupils complete the phonic screen in order to determine whether they have met the expected standard of phonic ability by the end of Year 1.
  • In Year 2, teacher assessment is used to determine whether or not pupils have reached or exceeded the expected standard for the end of Key Stage 1. This teacher assessment is informed by SATs tests which are carried out in school.
  • In Year 6, pupils complete SATs tests in Reading, Writing, Maths and Grammar and Spelling. The tests are more formal and are marked externally.

Below you will find information about our performance in these areas over the last 2 years. You can also compare the performance of different schools here.

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, testing did not take place in 2020 & 2021 and so no performance tables are available for this time.

Here is a link the school and college performance tables for Masefield Primary School: