"Pupils feel safe at school. They said that this is because of the high level of care provided by staff. Pupils feel that they can approach staff with any concerns that they have. OFSTED"
Learning & Curriculum


The PE curriculum at Masefield is designed to allow children to experience a wide range of activities which help them develop their health, fitness and mental wellbeing. We strive to offer a high-quality physical education curriculum which helps children succeed in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities.

At Masefield, PE is taught as a discrete subject in order that the development of knowledge and skills is taught meaningfully and explicitly. Naturally, links are made to other areas of the curriculum but this does not dilute the quality and entitlement of high quality PE teaching.

The school’s long term plan for PE sets out the content of teaching within in each year group. This is supported by the school’s PE progression document which demonstrates learning outcomes within each strand of development within a PE unit. Short term planning details how this content is developed over a series of lessons within the unit of work.  The organisation of the PE curriculum provides structured opportunities for pupils to:

  • develop the health, well-being, fitness and coordination of children;

  • encourage teamwork, unity and collaboration with class members and peers, (school learning dispositions)

  • develop a positive attitude to physical activity, physical education and a healthy lifestyle;

  • develop the interpersonal qualities of tolerance, patience, discipline, taking turns and perseverance;

  • foster community links within local High schools, Sporting Associations and local primary schools

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

  • be physically active for sustained periods of time

  • engage in competitive sports and activities

  • lead healthy, active lives

PE Policy

PE Curriculum Overview

Below is an example knowledge organiser from each year group for PE:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Our Award Winning PE Provision

Since 2022
The School Games Mark is a Government led award that focuses on recognising schools who show commitment to physical competitions across the school and the wider community. At Masefield, children from a range of year groups have the opportunity to attend competitions, both those within school and with other schools across our cluster, covering a wide range of sports. 

Renewed July 2023

PE Curriculum

At Masefield, our Intent is to provide high quality Physical Education that builds progressively on prior skills, knowledge and understanding. Embedding Physical Education and physical activity within our school is at the heart of our curriculum, in order to support not only our children’s physical development but their emotional well-being too, as this has never been as important as it is now. We understand the significance and the impact this subject has on our children and we pride ourselves in developing new and effective learning opportunities to create an ethos of ‘long-term athletic development’ and a curriculum that provides an active start for all pupils at a young age. Our curriculum incorporates creative play and skill based resources linked to games, themes, music and things children can relate to in order to make learning purposeful and fun. The progression and closely linked planning builds on our children’s fundamental skills such as running, jumping, skipping which are known as their gross motor skills that are crucial for long-term athletic and physical development.  

We pride ourselves in providing our children with opportunities, within their Physical Education lessons, to improve the quality of their life by boosting their stamina, enhancing their ability to concentrate and maintaining focus across the whole curriculum. At Masefield, we believe a physically active child will also have a healthy heart. The mental health of our children is imperative and our Physical Education curriculum plays a huge part in making our children feel good by elevating their mood, inspiring their positivity, encouraging the development of tolerance, helping them to relieve stress and maintaining mental and emotional wellbeing whilst also improving energy levels. 

At Masefield, we believe one of the most important life lessons for our children to learn, for the health of their bodies and minds, is the importance and necessity of regular exercise. We believe, that as a school, we are constantly striving for this ambition and this outcome is evident in everything we put into our Physical Education curriculum.

Extra Curricular Clubs – promoting a love of sport and supporting our pupil’s mental wellbeing

Our extra-curricular clubs that take place before, after school cater for all year groups across the school, and cover multi-skills (key skill activities that improve balance, co-ordination and agility) and a range of sports, including Football, Cricket, Athletics, Dodgeball, Gymnastics, Rounders and Netball. The clubs aim to pre- teach children skills to support them within our P.E lessons and learning as well as target children to develop their fitness and stamina as well as challenge our top sporting pupils.

Our Breakfast Club provision also includes a range of physical activities and games, such as dodgeball, parachute games, wake & shake and multiskills. Additional targeted support is also provided during Breakfast Club to help build pupil confidence and a love of sport.

Competitions – promoting and developing an enjoyment of sport

Masefield takes part in a range of sporting competitions with other schools.

These include inter-school matches and large tournaments, in an array of sports including cricket, football, gymnastics, swimming, hockey, rounders and dodgeball (just to name a few).

At Masefield, we celebrate the sports achievements of our children through ‘Good News assemblies’. Children are presented with their certificate, medals and head teacher awards as recognition of their hard work and achievements. This is important to us as a school as celebrating achievements boosts confidence, increases motivation of all our children and also develops their self-esteem.